West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse needs your help to spread the “Stop lawsuit abuse!” message. By working together, we can fix West Virginia’s broken legal system and attract well-paying jobs back to our state. Our state leaders need to realize that West Virginians are sick and tired of lawsuit abuse.
Stay informed on the latest legal reform issues. Speak out and help educate your neighbors on the need for change in our state. Tell your local lawmakers that we need to fix West Virginia’s unfair and unbalanced courts. The more people who get involved, the more likely we are to win the battle against lawsuit abuse. Here’s what you can do to help:
Join WV CALA – Our members receive regular updates on West Virginia’s legal system, and there is no cost to join. By joining the fight against lawsuit abuse, you can help us attract well-paying jobs back to our state!
Volunteer – WV CALA relies on dedicated volunteers to help spread our important message. You can volunteer your time by encouraging others to join the fight against lawsuit abuse, submitting letters to the editor in support of legal reforms, or even attending important public debates.
Share your Story - Have you been a victim of lawsuit abuse? If so, then we want to hear from you. E-mail us your story. Your responses will be kept totally anonymous. By sharing stories of lawsuit abuse, hopefully we can spur political leaders to enact meaningful reforms.
Contact your lawmakers – State legislators look to hear from their constituents on the issues that are important to them. Contact your local legislators today and tell them to support meaningful legal reforms!