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WVCALA Supports Legislation To Limit Liabillity During COVID-19 Pandemic

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse has announced that they are working with job providers, healthcare leaders, and state policymakers on legislation related to protecting West Virginians during this COVID-19 pandemic.

· The legislation is needed to avoid lawsuit abuse that will only further punish already hurting local businesses and our economy.

· The legislation will work to protect employers who have stayed open during the pandemic and provided essential supplies, food, and other necessary items to West Virginians during these trying times.

· The legislation will protect healthcare providers and allow them to make the best decisions to keep people safe and healthy without fear of unnecessary lawsuits.

· The legislation will provide protection to companies that manufacture products that have helped with our overall COVID-19 response. The legislation will not only cover this COVID-19 response, but future emergency situations.

West Virginia CALA will continue to provide updates on critical legislation to our members and the general public that will protect jobs and healthcare providers in our state from frivolous lawsuits. Several states have already passed legislation that addresses this issue including: Kentucky, Wisconsin, and New York.

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West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse
P.O. Box 11455
Charleston, WV 25339

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